An exhibit for the Pixel.Palettes art show. A shared digital lava lamp where visitors can add their own orb into the lamp.
A CLI process management tool built in Go while at 7shifts. Looking for contributors, and soon to be open sourced.
A Kijiji style recycling and reuse app, including a route planner to pick up and drop off items. Built for CMPT370 in an agile team of 5.
The Shopify based website for Road Coffee. Worked on styling, SEO, Performance Optimization, and a video loader for the blog.
This very website! Built in Vanilla JS and CSS on an Express server.
A small C networking library I built for the assignments in CMPT 434 Computer Networks at the U of S
A Snake playing AI built for Battlesnake Saskatchewan 2020. Built as a web server that implements the BattleSnake API. Our team placed 6th!
A due date tracking bot built for a study group discord server. Tracks assignments and due dates, and sends timed alerts before due dates.
A simple frogger style game built as practice for a game jam